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Inside Pony Stomach

Published: 2024-08-09 15:00:00


Please be advised the story contains the following: MLP, F/F, OC normal size pony pred, OC micro pony prey, implied oral vore (action begins inside the pred’s stomach already), belching, gas, nasty stomach contents, open ending. Reader discretion is advised – enjoy!

All characters featured within this story are fictional and above the legal age of consent.


Berry woke up from intensive shaking, moaning as she was tossed off the comfy pile of food she was resting on, back into the seemingly bottomless pool of nasty caustic sludge… She got so used to waking up like that that didn’t bother to even open her eyes, keeping her mouth shut as well as she dipped into the slurry before returning back to the surface, making a deep breath of fresh air… Well, the air here wasn’t exactly fresh, filled with a horrible mixture of scents – semi-digested fruits, rotting meat, left from yesterday, eggs and sausages, which had just began melting… Another chunk of barely chewed sausage plopped into the sticky mess right next to Berry, making her snort and climb on top of it. She made a small bite of it and jumped aside just in time before another chunk landed on the spot where she was standing a moment before. “For Celestia’s sake, when you stop gorging up already?” She scolded, looking up at the slightly gaping hole in the squishy ceiling of living flesh, leading back to the sweet freedom, which was so close yet so unbelievably far from her… Yes, as you might have already guessed, Berry was trapped inside somepony’s stomach…

The said somepony wasn’t aware of her little belly dweller though, sitting at her dinner table and carelessly stuffing her gut with more and more tasty treats. Her name was Cinnamon Roll, and she was quite a glutton… Her tummy, covered with soft beige fur, was quite chubby on its own, and every time she had a meal – it swelled almost like a pregnant one, sagging between her legs and making lots of noise as it tried to digest its contents. Probably it was a reason why Berry was still alive first of all – there always was enough food, floating in gastric juices, to be safe, resting on it. This time wasn’t an exception since after finishing her scrambled eggs with sausages, enough to sate a normal pone for the rest of the day, Cinnamon began eating oatmeal with honey, humming in pleasure as she really enjoyed its taste. Unfortunately, oatmeal didn’t really add any hard surface to the pred’s stomach contents, instead just mixing with the caustic sludge and rising its surface, bubbling around the sausage Berry used as an improvised boat. She used her right hind leg to row away from the greasy waterfall of oatmeal, seemingly endlessly pouring out from Cinnamon’s gullet.

She clearly remembered that day when she was unlucky enough to spy on Twilight during one of her experiments. She didn’t have any malicious intentions, just was curious about that purple glow, coming out from the windows, and when she peeked inside – the spell, meant to shrink heavy basket of apples for easier delivery, affected her body too, shrinking it to the size of a peanut. It wasn’t surprising that Cinnamon didn’t notice her and swallowed her by an accident within apples she bought on the market after the said delivery. They tasted surprisingly sweet and delicious, and now she was eating an apple for every breakfast in hope to feel that marvelous taste once again, not suspecting that the source of that taste now was trapped deep inside her gut… Of course, Berry tried to escape, kicking, ramming and even gnawing those slimy fleshy walls of the pred’s stomach, but none of that made any use since Cinnamon’s gut was a true machine for food destruction, not noticing her efforts at all. Eventually, she gave up and started living a new life as unwilling belly pet for the greedy gluttonous pone…

Cinnamon chugged down a whole jug of orange juice, making her belly distend even more and the contents of her stomach rise almost all the way up to the brim, kept down only by the air she had swallowed by an accident during her meal. “Damn, she had never stuffed herself that much… maybe this is my chance…” Berry murmured hopefully, rowing closer to the gullet sphincter, shivering as she felt how the seemingly borderless ocean of semi-digested food and beverages was shaking and covering with waves as the predator’s stomach groaned and gurgled, displeased by immense tension inside it, begging to be relieved. “O-off, I’m soo full…” Cinnamon murmured, putting her hoof onto her swollen abdomen and giving it a slow rub, trying to get used to the weight and pressure inside. “Gosh, stop messing with your gut already, stupid glutton…” Berry hissed angrily as every touch the pred gave to her gut made its contents move around and mix even more. One particularly tall wave of sludge almost tossed Berry off her sausage boat, but then a real hurricane began.

Cinnamon winced and let out a long thunderous belch, making her belly shrink a little bit and spraying plenty of hot sticky drool all over the table with empty dishes, as well as all over her own swollen furry gut, making the fur on it all wet and messy. “Come on… just a little bit… left…” Berry whined as a powerful stream of smelly air lifted her off the sausage, bringing her so close to the sphincter, leading to the pred’s gullet. She even managed to touch it with her hoof before the belch ended as well as the air force, lifting her up. “Ah, shoot, here we go again…” She yelled angrily before plopping back in the sludge which started shaking even more as the pred raised from the dinner table and began her morning routine, making her bloated belly sway from side to side with every step of hers and giving Berry a quite hard time as she tried to get on the cookie, floating around her. “Well, I guess I can always try one more time tomorrow… or the day after that…” She murmured, spitting out that sludge which got in her mouth by an accident and looking at the stormy sea of semi-digested food around her with a grumpy face.

Inside Pony Stomach

By: RedNastyFox

For: SlideV

January 10, 2022

Inside Pony Stomach

Published: 2024-08-09 15:00:00



Created: January 10, 2022

Creator: RedNastyFox

Reading time: ~5min

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Cinnamon Roll accidently swallowed a micro pony, who adapted to live inside her stomach, still trying to get out as soon as she has a chance but always failing. Will the absent-minded predator be able to find it out before her prey gets digested?

All characters featured within this story are fictional and above the legal age of consent.
This story is a commission I wrote for SlideV.
If you want to commission a story from me – check out the Commission Info section of my website! Feel free to boop me anytime – I’m always open to new customers! ;)

Feel free to repost this content on two conditions: credit me as the creator and attach a link to the original post on my website so it can be easily found. I’m a small individual creator and would appreciate such help with promotion.

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