Don’t Mess with Fatties
Published: 2024-02-13 13:00:00
Don't Mess with Fatties
Published: 2024-02-13 13:00:00
Created: March 11, 2016
Creator: Blangrycat aka DatBlangry
Reading time: unknown
Tags: belly, belly bloat, big belly, blangrycat, bloat, datblangry, F/M, Fat fox, female pred, femalepred, fox, fox girl, fox pred, fox vore, male prey, maleprey, non-fatal, oral vore, oralvore, rednastyfox, safe, safe vore, soft vore, softvore, vixen, vore art
This gorgeous illustration is the result of my art trade with the gorgeous artist DatBlangry.
Her OC, Kari the Vixen, cute pudgy nerd, ate my OC Ares the Fox. My part of the art trade was the story about them; it should be published in my gallery simultaneously with this artwork.
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