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Don’t Mess With Foxes

Published: 2024-02-13 16:00:00


Please be advised the story contains the following: mean male fox pred, unwilling female bunny prey, same size fatal oral vore with implied digestion. Reader discretion is advised – enjoy!

All characters in this story are above the legal age of consent.


Judy was a pretty rabbit girl, who had never looked for easy ways in her life. She had a dream to become a cop, and yesterday her dream finally became truth, even though not in the way she wanted it herself. Her boring job in giving parking tickets made her active nature scream from despair. The worst thing was that nasty fox and his little accomplice, who used her for achieving their dirty targets. She wanted to find that red rogue, but she had to work hard if she didn’t want to be fired. Luckily or not, exactly that fox came out of the corner, carelessly whistling something. Judy smirked, too predatory for a tiny rabbit, and rushed to the fox.

“Hey you, I’ll arrest you for fooling the policeman!” She exclaimed, standing on the fox’s way with her arms spread wide.

Nick Wilde was just thinking about his own business while walking along and whistling to himself, when the same bunny that pestered him the other day came out of nowhere and now was standing on his way. The fox who had his hands in his pockets rolled his eyes. “Oh, this is you, shorty with big ears… And what, I dare to ask, is the charge this time?” He asked, shamelessly chuckling at the frowning little bunny girl, glaring up at him. “Yesterday you used me to make your criminal business, and now you’ll answer me, have you ever paid any taxes from your income?” She asked with a nasty grin, preparing her notepad and her carrot-pen with built in recorder. Now he will finally pay for using and insulting her!

Wilde’s smug look left him for a moment. Taxes… That was the single thing she could catch him on. “I… uh-h…” He rubbed the back of his head, looking around and trying to think out a plan. Everything he could do was either making her leave him alone or making her… disappear. It was obvious that she will never give up as she managed to become a policeman despite being a tiny rabbit. It was really making a big drag in his life, but if she, how to say this appropriately, just… disappear, then there wouldn’t be an issue anymore. There had already been people, who got missing in their city, but could he really do something like that himself? He blinked, looking down at the bunny, which had a smirk on her face and was tapping with her foot impatiently. “Well, as you can see, I don’t carry that stuff with me everywhere. But I can bring it to you if you wait here for half an hour. I will go and get it…” He said, turning to the rabbit with his back and quickly walking away. He was sure that she wouldn’t believe him and would definitely insist to not let him go out of her sight.

“Hey you, stop right there!” She yelled angrily and started chasing him, not going to let the criminal go. Nick just rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Very well, if you insist, officer…” He murmured, stopping where he was and just looking at her with a grumpy face. “But… can I ask you, how you’re going to get those tax papers, if you don’t allow me to go and get them?” The larger vulpine did have a point with that one. He was just waiting for her to realize the faultiness of her commands and wondered, how would she react then? It didn’t really matter for the fox what she chooses – giving up and letting him go or following him to his lair, where no one else could stop him from doing something… not so legal…

“Er-r…” Judy stopped just in front of the fox, having a deep thought. One part of her feared this big and strong fox and didn’t want to stay alone with him. But the other one just screamed that she must catch this rogue. “Alright, guide me to that place where you keep your papers and show them to me!” She replied and put her pen and notepad back to her bag.

Nick just nodded slowly and beckoned the bun with his hand. “It’s this way officer…” He said and started walking with her following him. Part of him had hoped she just gives up and let him go, at least for a day or two, even if she could think out a new plan to get him. However, another part of him for some odd reason was glad, that she didn’t… The larger red fox looked down at his belly and a predatory smirk appeared on his snout. He had an idea how to get rid of this cop once and for all. They walked for half an hour at least before finally coming to a park like location with a bridge, that went over a dried-up creek bed. “Ah… Home sweet home…” He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, though that could easily be overlooked. The rabbit, on the other hand, couldn’t see anything that looked like a home at first, until she looked down into the dried creek and noticed a few wooden boxes used as a table and a chair and such. Did this fox really live here? Nick walked around the bridge and down under the tunnel. If she wasn’t quick in following the fox, she might lose him out of her sight, and who knows, if he had some secret escape route hidden in that tunnel?

“Hey, wait a second!” She exclaimed and followed him, looking around a bit anxiously. She was born on a farm and didn’t like narrow dark places, but she had no choice now. She couldn’t let this rogue go away without his punishment. Nick didn’t reply, almost running down the dark tunnel until he couldn’t see any light from the entrance. Then the fox slowed down, waiting for his tiny chaser impatiently. He was so nervous right now as he had never done or even thought about anything like this. But at the same time, something about it seemed him so right and natural deep down… He heard her steps becoming louder and louder, and once she was close enough, he turned back and pounced, making sure to pin her to the ground properly, so she couldn’t get him with any of her police weapons she kept on her belt.

“Hey, what are you doing?!” She exclaimed, struggling furiously and trying to get anti-fox spray from her belt. When she understood that it was impossible, she started to panic, looking with bestial fear in her eyes at the fox, who was pinning her down to the ground with the weight of his entire body. Her mother told her to keep away from predators, she was attacked by a fox in her childhood, and, unfortunately, it didn’t teach her anything… “Help! Help! Please…” She tried to call somebody, but the fox’s knee on her chest pressed all the air out from her lungs, and her shouts turned into sore whisper. She looked at Nick with her big purple eyes, widened from fear and filled with tears. “Please… Let me go… I won’t tell anybody about it, I swear you…” She sobbed, trembling with all of her body from fear.

Nick just grinned down at her, making sure to be very slow and careful, as he used his sharp claws to cut her belt and toss it aside. “I would. I mean, first I wanted nothing more, then being left alone. But then I realized something, when I saw how self-confident and stubborn you are. I just want to teach you a lesson of good manners…” He spoke while slowly removing her stuff, like her badge and vest and other protective gear. Her uniform and clothing were next. What in the world was he going to do? If he was just going to kill her, why would he need to do this? Nick grinned sassily at her, seeing her misunderstanding. “I’ve decided to show you why rabbits should never mess up with foxes…” He murmured, and his black lips parted, exposing the moist pinkish insides of his big maw and razor-sharp white teeth.

Judy realized what he meant and widened her eyes even stronger, doing her best not to fall in panic. She kept talking to the predator, hoping on his prudence. “Nick, we are living in a modern, civilized society! I’m a personality just like you! I have a family, a job and a dream! You can’t just eat me!” With every word said, she realized, how stupid and naive her words were. The fox just laughed at her; at least she saw it in his eyes. The look of his white teeth and bottomless throat, brought right next to her face, hypnotized and fascinated the helpless bunny. One part of her even wanted to be eaten to know, how does it feel? But the other one was just struggling in hysteria and soon it took over the other one. “Nick, please, don’t do it… I beg you, just let me go…” Judy cried, looking in the predator’s emerald green eyes. She wanted to live. Really wanted to. She pleaded Gods to see even a ghostly sign of mercy in his bottomless, magnetic eyes. Only one tiny sign…

Unfortunately for Officer Judy Hopps, there was none, as those jaws opened wider and then just engulfed her entire head at once. Her face was smushed into that hot wet tongue as Nick started to slurp and lick all over his prey. He still wasn’t sure how he was going to do this, but he was going to try his best to eat this nasty girl whole and alive. He continued to lick and slurp, soaking the fur on her snout and head with thick sticky drool, before those jaws opened once again. But instead of letting the bunny to go, the fox just pushed her deeper inside. The vulpine worked with his widely opened jaws over her narrow shoulders and then chest, continuing to run his tongue over her form, making sure to coat every inch of her fur with his saliva to make the swallowing faster and easier.

Judy screamed as loud as she could, but her cries were suppressed by the fox’s flesh and only quite moans were coming out of the predator’s lair. She wagged with her legs, trying to scratch Nick’s belly with her claws, but it was no use as she cut them off before going in the city to look more womanlike and beautiful. Unfortunately, now it became her fatal mistake, and her paws only tickled the predator’s furry tummy. Her body was going deeper and deeper into his throat, and soon the fox devoured the rabbit up to her waist. It was really tight and hot inside his gullet, but suddenly her head entered into far roomier place. It could be nothing but Nick’s stomach. Judy started struggling as hard as she could, even though she was perfectly aware that she was doomed to die in that nasty fox gut. Only her legs were sticking out of the predator’s mouth, but even they were slowly disappearing in his throat inch by inch.

The larger vulpine grinned around those kicking feet and tilted his head up, devouring them in a few greedy gulps. His tight throat was squeezing and massaging Judy’s body for the rest of her way down, before shoving her into his belly completely. The fleshy chamber might be roomier than the fox’s tight esophagus, but it was still extremely tight and cramped, making poor rabbit to curl down into fetal position inside it. His belly now had a huge fidgeting bulge, which even had little bumps from the prey’s hands and feet, helplessly pushing bouncy stomach walls from the inside. He just sat on the ground, staring down at his bloated tummy in disbelief and indescribable satisfaction. He was slowly rubbing the white furry sphere of his bloated abdomen when his checks bulged out. The fox let out a huge smelly belch, which echoed down the tunnel. “Oh… pardon me…” He said before snickering and scratching his gut once again. But he wasn’t allowed to enjoy his heavenly meal for long. His phone rang; it was the fennec fox, calling about their next scam. At first Nick was going to tell him to forget about it for today, but then he smirked cunningly, looking at his wriggling belly. A wig and a dress, stuffed in the chest, and he could pass for a pregnant vixen… Ideas were popping into his head on a few scams, which could bring in some big money for the next few days, until the bunny will be completely digested. He received the call and told his ideas to his companion, who was absolutely fascinated by Nick’s violence and cunningness. After planning the first scam, the fox put his phone back in his pocket and leaned back on the wall, caressing his tummy and enjoying his filling meal. He deserved it, at least, he thought so.

Judy was in terror. The fox’s stomach walls were mercilessly shrinking around her tighter and tighter after a loud belch he let out. She was almost immobilized by terrible pressure from all the sides and could barely move her hands and legs to make at least an illusion of struggles. Judy just couldn’t believe that she was eaten in Zootopia, which was known as a city where all animals were equal. She couldn’t believe that her dreams and her life were destroyed in a few minutes by a single red fox. She didn’t listen to her parents, who were always right. Now it was time to pay for her own mistakes. She could easily hear Nick’s chat with his little accomplice. He was so excited and encouraged that Judy understood - he didn’t regret about anything even for a moment. Moreover, he had already thought out a bunch of scam plans, where he could use her half-digested corpse in his belly as a disguise for fooling even more people. She stopped struggling and started crying helplessly as she understood that there were no chance for her to get out. How could such merciless monsters even exist? How could they live among law-abiding citizens? How many bunnies had already ended up in foxes’ bellies? She didn’t know the answer. Nick stopped talking. His loud heartbeat and calm breath were the only sounds Judy could hear inside this tight gastric sack, filled with caustic sloshing liquids. It was surprisingly warm and cozy in a fox’s stomach… Or was it just a lack of oxygen? Judy didn’t care anymore as she was slowly falling asleep. Soon, her eyes closed forever, and she became nothing but a filling meal for a nasty fox…

Don’t Mess With Foxes

By: RedNastyFox (Judy) and Kiba-Surion (Nick)

March 12, 2016

Don’t Mess With Foxes

Published: 2024-02-13 16:00:00



Created: March 12, 2016

Creator: RedNastyFox, Kiba-Surion

Reading time: ~12min

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Judy tries to arrest Nick but ends up in solitary confinement inside his stomach…

This story is an edited roleplay I had with Kiba-Surion on DA.
Thanks to FidchellVore for allowing me to use their artwork as a cover!

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